P.I.R / I.P.N Quadcore
P.I.R is a Polyisocyanurate rigid foam insulation with an excellent rate of thermal conductivity. PIR insulated panels come in various thickness ranging from 50mm to 200mm thick. Panel facings can come in various finishes, White Foodsafe PVC Laminate, Polyester Painted, Stainless Steel & weatherproof XL Forte finishes. A wide range of colours are available in the painted & XL Forte finishes.
P.I.R has a lower combustibility rate in comparison to Polyurethane foams. PIR insulated panels can provide up to 1 hour fire resistance and carry both the LPCB (Loss Prevention Council Board) and FM (Factory Mutual) Certification. PIR products are resistant to moisture ingress, do not support the growth of fungus and have fibre free cores.
Rockwool Insulated panels are made from a high quality mineral fibre with high shear, compressive and tensile strengths. A high insulation value along with excellent acoustic and fire resistance properties make Rockwool insulated panels the ideal solution for insulated wall and ceiling panels to chill and ambient applications where the temperature is above 00C and fire rating and hygiene are essential.
Rockwool insulated panels can provide up to 4 hour fire resistance and carry both the LPCB (Loss Prevention Council Board) and FM (Factory Mutual) Approvals.